Accruv Private Limited.

Security Practices

Accruv (Accruv Private Limited) maintains appropriate security safeguards designed to protect your information from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access or disclosure, and to ensure its confidentiality, integrity and availability. Our security program accounts for both the sensitivity of the information we process and the current state of technology. The following sets out our security practices with respect to your information.

Written Information Security Program

Accruv maintains an information security program for security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy.

Personnel Practices

Accruv conducts background checks on employees appropriate for their responsibilities (with more extensive background checks required for key employees that have elevated privileges), provides ongoing privacy and security training to its staff, and requires employees to read and sign confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements as conditions of their employment.

Confidentiality & Access Controls

Accruv employees are subject to written confidentiality obligations and are prohibited from accessing customer data unless absolutely necessary. Our security policies include limiting access to systems only where individual roles require it (least privileged).

Network Protection

We protect the security of our network through the use of software and tools, such as firewalls and load balancers, and we implement multi-factor authentication for all servers across our various environments, including production.

Service Provider Relationships

All third-party services that could potentially impact the security of our information or customer data are reviewed by our team. Accruv requires all service providers to agree not to retain, use or disclose personal information for any purpose other than for the specific purpose of performing their services.